Sunday, May 11, 2014


I don't seem to have enough time to keep this blog going at full speed, so I'm going to make it simpler now. I left off on April 3rd...............

Merry Bros. Brickyard Ponds - April 5

Horned Grebe--#118
Horned Grebe--Richmond Co. Year-bird #118

My Yard - April 5

Ruby-throated Hummingbird--#119

Westover Memorial Cemetery - April 14

Gray Catbird--#120

Pendleton King Park - April 19

Great Crested Flycatcher--#121
Red-eyed Vireo--#122
Ovenbird--Richmond Co. Year-bird #123
Worm-eating Warbler--#124
Black-and-white Warbler--#125
Black-and-white Warbler--Richmond Co. Yearbird #125

American Redstart--#126
American Redstart-- Richmond Co. Yearbird #126
Black-throated Blue Warbler--#127
Black-throated Blue Warbler-- Richmond Co. Year-bird #127
Scarlet Tanager--#128
Scarlet Tanager--Richmond Co. Year-bird #128
Brown-headed Cowbird--#129
Brown-headed Cowbird--Richmond Co. Year-bird #129

Brown-headed Cowbird--Richmond Co. Year-bird #129

                                                                              PART 2 NEXT.............