Well, March was an awesome month, now with migration about to hit its peak! I'll give you the rundown:
March 28-
While out doing yardwork on a boring Saturday, I casually check my phone, to check my email. I read an email that reads: bla bla bla Red-necked Grebe bla bla bla Merry Bros. Brickyard Ponds bla bla bla. I am about to delete the email, thinking that another Georgia has just spotted another rare bird somewhere far away when I realize
Merry Bros. Brickyard Ponds is 20 minutes away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After a few hours of begging, I finally get out the door and am on my way, nervous and wondering if the bird is still there... Finally we arrive, find a SUPER SECRET (not really) dirt road to get closer, and find this:
Red-necked Grebe! Richmond Co. Year-bird #112
American Kestrel |
We were also lucky enough to see lots of Common Loons in breeding plumage and a Kestrel! But the best part was the Grebe, which just happened to be
LIFER # 250!
Common Loon |
3 species
On the way back we stopped by a local horse barn and saw
Purple Martins-
#113 on the year for the county.
The next day I once again wen to Phinizy to try and pick up some of the migrants that had been seen, and was successful. However, the first bird I saw was the one I have been looking for all winter!
Rusty Blackbird - Richmond Co. Year-bird #114 |
I later saw a
Little Blue Heron and a
Cattle Egret, 2 FOTYs for the county.
Cattle Egret- Richmond Co. Year-bird #116
Little Blue Heron- Richmond Co. Year-bird #115 |
Also saw an Osprey apparently preparing to nest!
Osprey |
Finally, 2 nights ago, I heard then saw a Chimney Swift fly over my house, another year-bird.
So now, Richmond County Yearlist- 117 |